The Establishment of Chinese Military Academies & the Soviet Aids in 1920s–1950’s

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The Establishment of Chinese Military Academies & the Soviet Aids in 1920s–1950’s


Associate Professor
Master of Philosophy in Science and Technology
National University of Defense Technology
Changsha, China

Through the aids of former Soviet Union, the Republic of China established the Huangpu Military Academy and Nanking Military Institute, and the People’s Republic of China created Harbin Institute of Military Engineering, and other technological institutes of the armed services from the 1920s to the 1950s. Russian ideas, organizational systems, and educational methods and objectives had a significant impact on the establishment of Chinese military academies, especially on military technological institutes. This paper discusses the specifi c roles played by the Russians on the establishment of Chinese military academies.

Keywords: Chinese Military Academy, Soviet Union, Chinese Military Education History

Создание китайских военных академий и советская помощь в 1920-1950-х годах

Чжао Янджу

Национальный оборонный университет, Чангша, Китай



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