A Case Study Of Factors Influencing Diffusion Of Mobile Telephony In Rural India

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A Case Study Of Factors Influencing Diffusion Of Mobile Telephony In Rural India


NMIMS University, India


National Institute of Science Technology & Development Studies, India

Mobile communication is one of the fastest penetrating technologies which registered an unmatched growth in the history of technology diffusion. Mobile communications has changed the personalized traits of users by increasing exchange of information across the geographical regions. The increased applications of mobile communication on services are changing social economy by contributing to livelihood opportunities too. The multi-users applications of mobile communication resulted a boost in the adoption of mobile telephony despite several economic deterrents irrespective of the geographical regions. Hence, to understand an impact of the related factors and perception of rural users about diffusion of mobile phones is imperative particularly in the rural areas. Therefore, an attempt is made to analyse linkages of socio-economic factors responsible for the diffusion of mobile phones in rural India. The analysis also incorporates the typology of the users and the results may be equally useful for other rural region across the countries. The analysis indicates that access of electricity is an important factor in the diffusion of mobile phone and spending on mobile phone is affected by the availability of electricity in rural areas. The occupancy of wire-line (fixed phones) phones, fridge, radio, microwave oven, washing machines, motor bike/scooters, computers and other domestic household items significantly affect the penetration of mobile communication. The adoption of mobile phone is influence by size of the village too.



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