The Concept of “Socially Robust Science” — Reasons for Introducing; Basic Characteritics; and a Method of Measurement

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The Concept of “Socially Robust Science” — Reasons for Introducing; Basic Characteritics; and a Method of Measurement

Ivancheva Ludmila

Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria




The paper considers the intense dynamics in the role and social functions of modern science. Multiple concepts, models and policy theses are identified, enphasising specific aspects of this process, how- ever, it was found out that they do not articulate and explane well the whole range of transformations in the exo-systemic social context of science during the formation of knowledge societies. By that reason a new conceptual framework based on the so-called “Socially-Robust Science” is introduced, which reflects the encreased role of science for the social and economic development, considering in the same time the reverse impact of society on the research sector. Some fundamental principles of partnership between science and society are presented, as well as the fundamental objectives of science in a knowledge-based society, related to its social context (labeled as “Target Package 7s”). A cor- responding metric is suggested – Index of Social Robustness of Science (ISRS), based on reliable, easily accessible and annually updated data. It enables the establishement of ratings and the making of longitudinal comparative international analyses concerning social relevance, degree of social impact of the national research systems and intensity of their collaboration with the public.



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