SST Volume: 4 Issue: 1


Author Article Pages
Zhang B. Introduction 9-10 download
Kolchinsky E.I. Foreword 11-14 download
Wang Y. The History And Institutional Characteristics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: a Sketchy Account 14-24 details
Li Zh. Soviet Experts In Chinese Academy Of Science: Historical Review Of Cooperation And Exchange Between Chinese And Soviet Academy Of Sciences In The 1950s 24-30 details
Jiuchen Zh. Sino-Soviet Cooperation In Natural Resources Surveys: Interactions Between The Two Academies 31-39 details
Jinhai G. Selection And Transformation Under The Influence Of The Soviet Union: Formulation Of The Regulations On Postgraduate Cultivation By Chinese Academy Of Science In Its Early Stage 40-46 details
Lina W. Debate on Work Guideline Of Chinese Academy Of Sciences in 1981-1983 46-52 details
Asheulova N.A./ Kolchinsky E.I. How Russian Science Is Being Reconstructed? (The Historical-Sociological Analysis Of Reforms For The Last 20 Years) 53-69 details
Dushina S.A./ Lomovitskaya V.M. Distinctive Features Of Academic Mobility In Today's Russia 70-80 details
Samokish A.V. Boris E. Raykov's Activity As A Natural Science Historian In The Institute Of History Of Natural Science And Technics (1940-1960s) 80-86 details
Fedotova A.A. Pharmaceutical Hunger And Medicinal Plants: Mobilization Of The Botanists During The World War I 84-94 details
Feklova T.Yu. Expedition Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences And The Study Of China In The First Half Of The XIX Century. The Documentary-Organizational Aspects 94-102 details
Marshakova-Shaikevich I.V. Bibliometric Analysis Of Russian And Chinese Publications On Modernization In DBS Web Of Science 102-112 details


Author Article Pages
Кугель С.А./ Лебединцева Л.А Монография Ж.Т. Тощенко. Кентавр-проблема: опыт философского и социологического анализа. М.: Новый Хронограф 2011. 552 С. 113-115 download


Author Article Pages
Разрушение РАН тождественно разрушению российской науки. Интервью директора Социологического института РАН Чл.-Корр. РАН И.И. Елисеевой 116-120 download
Науковедческий семинар в Санкт-Петербурге 120-140 download
Диденко Н. Европейская наука сквозь призму ESOF2012 140-147 download


Author Article Pages
Эдуард Михайлович Мирский 148-149 download

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