Technology, Industry, and Society in the Peoples Republic of China: Past, Present, and the Future — Lessons for the World

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Technology, Industry, and Society in the Peoples Republic of China: Past, Present, and the Future — Lessons for the World


Core faculty, School of Management Walden University, Minneapolis, MN, USA

In about three decades, China has moved up from a “third world” country to be the world’s second largest industrial nation surpassing Japan. Some projections suggest that China may even surpass the first industrial nation, the United States by the middle of this century. The “Chinese Miracle” has, however, not been achieved without social and environmental costs. This discussion highlights the following main points in continuation of the author’s studies on science and society in China since
the 1980s:
(1) Antecedents of the “Chinese Miracle.”
(2) Intended and unintended consequences of technoeconomic growth in China.
(3) Lessons of the “Chinese model” for the developed and the developing countries.




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